Link to the Interview :
Following a call for applications launched by Credit Mutuel Group on the Forinov platform, has been selected and invited to present its innovative solutions in front of the group’s Innovation Factory.
In this context, we interviewed Quentin Lhomme, Co-Founder & CEO of, to learn more about its value proposition, development strategy and get their feedback on Startup – Corporate collaborations. is an open data analysis solution based on artificial intelligence and allowing professionals to know in real time what is happening in the world and thus to be alerted as quickly and in the most qualified way as possible of the occurrence of events affecting their operations.
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Forinov is the collaboration platform that brings together innovation players – Startups, Corporates, Incubators – to help them identify opportunities, manage their relations and concretize innovation projects.
What is
Nunki is the Global Information System that allows companies to be informed of the risks surrounding them. Nunki proposes 3 offers :
1. An Event Detection Technology analyzing tons of data shared on social networks, on the web, via APIs …;
2. We also provide consultancy services and edit reports on specific situations and problematics;
3. Finally we provide a video-conference communication platform connecting risk experts and companies that need their expertise.
Why did you attend the pitch session organized by Forinov for the Credit Mutuel group?
Nunki has much interest in working with large companies given that we focus on international business, risk management, etc. Our main targets are therefore large companies.
How was your first time? (with a Large Company)
When as a startup you do not have much visibility at the beginning, we must constantly reassure our contacts in large groups. There is also the difficulty to identify the appropriate interlocutors in order to successfully implement these kinds of solutions. We must work with several entities that must then be coordinated. It’s very time-consuming, it is complicated to identify and contact the right interlocutors.
How have you heard about Forinov?
I discovered Forinov thanks to a call for projects relayed on the Station F’s social network. It was an amazing opportunity to pitch in front of the Credit Mutuel group, which is a major prospect for Nunki. I found it very interesting and registered right away on Forinov to filled Nunki’s profile as the concept of facilitating connections between startups and large companies via a platform is definitely relevant.
What concrete benefits do you expect from using Forinov?
Timing is the most important issue. When large companies use Forinov, they generally come with up-front identified needs and will therefore look for specific relevant startups.
Yet we know large companies are constantly over-solicited: there are plenty of startups, lots of offers, be they worthwhile or not. Yet when large companies log on Forinov, they already have a well-identified requirement. They log on the platform to come and leave with something. Therefore, the platform saves so much time in the initiation of the relation and as a start-up we don’t need to explain the advantages of Nunki’s offers anymore.
What’s next for Nunki?
I hope there will be many profitable collaborations via Forinov. We are also working on a new fundraising campaign which is a big step for us that will enable us to address new sectors and go international.
But you can have access to all our updated information throughout our progress on our Forinov profile.