Innovative ecosystems are evolving rapidly and, by definition, are constantly reinventing themselves. The key players of Innovation are no exception!As you will have understood, it is sometimes difficult to find…
Innovative ecosystems are evolving rapidly and, by definition, are constantly reinventing themselves. The key players of Innovation are no exception!As you will have understood, it is sometimes difficult to find…
Link to the Interview : Following a call for applications launched by Credit Mutuel Group on the Forinov platform, has been selected and invited to present its innovative solutions…
Link to the Interview : Following a call for applications launched by Credit Mutuel Group on the Forinov platform, PLUSSH has been selected and invited to present its innovative solutions…
« Il faudrait que les grands groupes du CAC40 jouent plus le jeu de l’open innovation en investissant ou en rachetant des startups. Certains le font […] mais encore trop…
Following a call for applications launched by Credit Mutuel Group on the Forinov platform, SILPKAY has been selected and invited to present its innovative solutions in front of the group’s…
Les équipes de Forinov ont eu l'opportunité de participer au France Digital Day, le rendez-vous des startups et licornes d'Europe. A cette occasion, Emmanuel Macron a annoncé son ambition pour…